Wednesday 15 May 2013

My kebun so far =)

Lama saya tidak bersiaran...tak tahu nak update yang mana dulu...Kerja-kerja berkebun masih giat dilakukan. Cuma saya juga sibuk dengan kerja mengajar. Tak sempat untuk update blog...hari ni saya ada ambil beberapa gambar. Enjoylah ye =)

This is my kebun...amat serabut dengan macam-macam pokok..pokok bunga and sayur-sayuran..

Selingan sikit..semalam balik rumah, dapat surat dari Diana..biji benih dah sampai..yeay! Thank you Diana for the seeds and the extras as well =)

This is the strawberry plant I bought last year at a nearby nursery.  Tahun ni rajin berbunga =) tapi tak semua bunga menjadi buah...faham-faham sahajalah cuaca Melaka yang panas. Mother plant now have two babies =)

These are alpine strawberries... 

Roman lettuce with carrot...

 Pokok bunga ros di samping bunga telang...


  1. kemas dan cantik je kebun

  2. Wah such a huge change my dear.
    So lovely your cottage garden.
    Love how you combine flowers and veggies.
    Ours are Old McDonald farm je usang sesangat with the animals poo sana sini sebab mereka tak berdisiplin.
    Roman lettuce is showing sign of flowering. At this stage the taste will become bitter.

  3. thanks Diana...trying to make my garden as personal as possible like you did at Adelaide. Old McDonald farm pun..semua
    Yes..harvested some of the lettuce few days ago and tasted them..alamak mmg bitter abis..hehe..takpelah jd deco..n buat benih =)

  4. awin: tq awin...dalam gambar mungkin nampak macam kemas..sebenarnya tidak..lots of things to do..i wish i have more time for gardening... =)

  5. dear sis...pokok rose u baja ngan ape ye?

  6. kat mana u beli junjung2 pokok yg cantik n melengkung tu?
